Inner west, services across Sydney SERVICES 🌀 Homebirth 🌀 Antenatal Care 🌀 Postnatal Care 🌀 Lactation Support 🌀 Monthly group meetings in my home INFO I believe that pregnancy and birth is a normal life event and an integral part of family life. I have been fortunate to work in partnership with new families for over 30 years, first as a mothercraft nurse in the uk, then as a birth and postnatal doula and exclusively as a midwife attending home births since 2009. My practice is grounded in the belief that childbirth is a powerful and transformative experience. I home birthed my own babies and every day these experiences inform my practice as a midwife. I offer care that is focused on the woman or birthing person and their family's individual and unique needs, expectations and aspirations. I am a firm believer in the power of informed choice, the right to bodily autonomy and the right of refusal and I respect and value each families unique preferences. CONTACT Jo Hunter, Privately Practising Midwife P 0412 315 228 E [email protected] W I @MidwifeJoHunter Birth Time World I @BirthTimeWorld W E [email protected] |